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Radium Doctor

Dr. M. Saydul Hoque

Gastroenterology,Gynecologist,Medicine,Radium Gazipur Branch,Specialist in Liver

Opening Time


        9.00 am to 9.00 pm.

Radium logo
Gazipur Branch - Unit-2

Radium Diagnostic Center

Swad Bhawan
Central Jame Masjid Road
Joydebpur, Gazipur
Hotline: 09612668866
Mobile: 01713-452238 /
01708-527419 /01886-452240

Specialist in Liver, Gastroenterology and Medicine

“Dr. M. Saydul Hoque comprehensive care from a Gastroenterology and Medicine doctor. Specializing in digestive health and internal medicine. Find relief and well-rounded care for your well-being.”

Honors and Awards
Technique 70%
Empathy 80%
Operation 90%
  • Specialist in Liver, Gastroenterology and Medicine
  • MBBS
  • BCS (Health)
  • MD (Hepatology)
  • Assistant Professor, Interventional Liver Division Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Dhaka.

Recommended Colleague Doctors


Radium Diagnostic Center For Everyone

“Discover comprehensive diagnostic solutions and personalized care at Radium Diagnostic Center. Our state-of-the-art facility offers advanced medical testing services, accurate results, and compassionate expertise. Trust us for reliable diagnostics, empowering you to prioritize your health and well-being. Schedule your appointment today.”

Radium Doctor

Dr. Nirmal Kanti Sarkar

Chest disease,Orthopedic surgeon,Paralysis specialist,Radium Gazipur Branch,Rheumatoid,Spine Specialist Surgeon

Opening Time

Saturday, Monday, Wednesday  :

              5.00 pm to 8.00 pm


            10.00 am to 2.00 pm.

Radium logo
Gazipur Branch - Unit-2

Radium Diagnostic Cente

Swad Bhawan
Central Jame Masjid Road
Joydebpur, Gazipur
Hotline: 09612668866
Mobile: 01713-452238 /
01708-527419 /01886-452240


“Dr. Nirmal Kanti Sarkar unlock the secrets of chest health with our Chestology doctor. He is expert in diagnosing and treating a wide range of chest-related conditions. Your partner in breathing easy and living well.”

Honors and Awards
Technique 70%
Empathy 80%
Operation 90%
  • Chestology
  • MBBS (DMC),
  • FCPS (Medicine)
  • MD (Chestology)
  • MCPS (USA)
  • Advanced Training in Cardiology
  • MS (Orthopedic Surgery)
  • Assistant Professor (Respiratory Medicine) National Chest Institute and Hospital, Dhaka.

Recommended Colleague Doctors

Doctor Moto

Health & Wellness For Everyone

He strongly believes in ethical practice and ensures that patients become a part of the decision making process of individualized treatment protocols best suited for them.

Specialist in Cardiology

Dr. Mohammed Durul Huda

Orthopedic surgeon,Paralysis specialist,Radium Gazipur Branch,Rheumatoid,Spine Specialist Surgeon

Opening Time

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,  Wednesday & Thursday:  

            3.00 pm to 7.00 pm

Friday :
             10.00am to 2.00pm

Radium logo
Gazipur Branch - Unit-2

Radium Diagnostic Cente

Swad Bhawan
Central Jame Masjid Road
Joydebpur, Gazipur
Hotline: 09612668866
Mobile: 01713-452238 /
01708-527419 /01886-452240

Echo-Cardiographics, Cardiologist, Invasive & Non-Invasive Specialist in Cardiology, Medicine and Rheumatology

“Dr. Mohammed Durul Huda leading cardiologist dedicated to your heart health. He is expert in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cardiovascular conditions. Your trusted partner for a healthy heart.”

Honors and Awards
Technique 70%
Empathy 80%
Operation 90%
  • Echo-Cardiographics, Cardiologist, Invasive & Non-Invasive Specialist in Cardiology, Medicine and Rheumatology
  • MBBS, FCPS (F),
  • Advanced Training in Cardiology
  • MS (Orthopedic Surgery)
  • Assistant Professor, Cardiology, Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmad Medical College, Gazipur.

Recommended Colleague Doctors

Doctor Moto

Health & Wellness For Everyone

He strongly believes in ethical practice and ensures that patients become a part of the decision making process of individualized treatment protocols best suited for them.

Dr. Md. Rashedul Hossain

Orthopedic surgeon,Paralysis specialist,Radium Gazipur Branch,Radium Kapasia Branch,Rheumatoid,Spine Specialist Surgeon

Opening Time

Friday :
             10.00am to 2.00pm
             5.00pm to 8.00pm

Sunday, Tuesday,  Wednesday  :               5.00 pm to 8.00 pm.

Radium logo
Gazipur Branch - Unit-2

Radium Diagnostic Cente

Swad Bhawan
Central Jame Masjid Road
Joydebpur, Gazipur
Hotline: 09612668866
Mobile: 01713-452238 /
01708-527419 /01886-452240

Orthopedic, Rheumatoid, Paralysis and Spine Specialist Surgeon

“Dr. Md. Rashedul Hossain is your trusted source for comprehensive orthopedic, rheumatoid, paralysis, and spine care. Dr. Md. Rashedul Hossain specialized surgeon provides expert diagnosis, treatment, and surgical options, helping you find relief and regain mobility.”

Technique 70%
Empathy 80%
Operation 90%
Honors and Awards
  • Orthopedic, Rheumatoid, Paralysis and Spine Specialist Surgeon
  • BCS (Health)
  • D-Ortho (Cripple Hospital/Nitor)
  • MS (Orthopedic Surgery)
  • Orthopedic, Rheumatoid, Paralysis and Spine Specialist Surgeon

Recommended Colleague Doctors

Doctor Moto

Health & Wellness For Everyone

He strongly believes in ethical practice and ensures that patients become a part of the decision making process of individualized treatment protocols best suited for them.

Prof. Dr. Kamal Mahmood Khan

Orthopedic surgeon,Radium Gazipur Branch

Opening Time

Monday :  5 pm to 10 pm
Friday :     3 pm to 5 pm &  
                 8 pm to 10 pm.

Radium logo
Gazipur Branch - Unit-2

Radium Diagnostic Center

Swad Bhawan
Central Jame Masjid Road
Joydebpur, Gazipur
Hotline: 09612668866
Mobile: 01713-452238 /
01708-527419 /01886-452240

Orthopedic surgeon

“Prof. Dr. Kamal Mahmood Khan is one experience expert care from our skilled orthopedic surgeon. Specializing in musculoskeletal health, we offer diagnosis, non-surgical treatment, and advanced surgical options. Regain mobility and reduce pain today.”

Honors and Awards
Technique 70%
Empathy 80%
Operation 90%
  • Orthopedic surgeon
  • MBBS (DU)
  • D Ortho (DU)
  • Training on Injury Management (Thailand)
  • Bone Joint, Injury and Disability Specialist
  • experience in Orthopedic surgeon

Recommended Colleague Doctors

Doctor Moto

Health & Wellness For Everyone

He strongly believes in ethical practice and ensures that patients become a part of the decision making process of individualized treatment protocols best suited for them.

Paralysis specialist and trauma surgeon

Dr. Md. Sharif Hossain

Paralysis specialist,Radium Gazipur Branch,Trauma Surgeon

Opening Time

Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday & Thursday : 4pm to 8pm.

Radium logo
Gazipur Branch - Unit-2

Radium Diagnostic center

Swad Bhawan
Central Jame Masjid Road
Joydebpur, Gazipur
Hotline: 09612668866
Mobile: 01713-452238 /
01708-527419 /01886-452240

Paralysis specialist and trauma surgeon

Dr. Md. Sharif Hossain is a dedicated medical professional committed to restoring hope and mobility. With a wealth of experience and cutting-edge surgical skills, Dr. Md. Sharif Hossain specializes in treating paralysis and trauma-related injuries. Trust in our doctor expertise to regain control of your life and health.

Honors and Awards
Technique 70%
Empathy 80%
Operation 90%
  • Paralysis specialist and trauma surgeon
  • MBBS, BCS (Health)
  • D. Ortho, Paraplegic Hospital (Nitore)
  • MS (Ortho Surgery)
  • Bone joint, arthritic pain
  • experience in Paralysis specialist and trauma surgeon

Recommended Colleague Doctors

Doctor Moto

Health & Wellness For Everyone

He strongly believes in ethical practice and ensures that patients become a part of the decision making process of individualized treatment protocols best suited for them.
